Tuesday, July 28, 2009

National Security State Vaules

Today I woke to the news that the US military has been spying on our citizens and infiltrating organizations of peace activists in the Washington state area.The lack of surprise I feel about this news does little to temper my outrage.
The citizens of this country are not being served well by the legislative gangstas in D.C. I would go so far as to say that they are no longer leaders of our country but rulers. There is no accountability at the top levels of US government and responding to the will of the people is not an option if the will of the people is contrary to the interests of big business or the Military Industrial Complex.
This brings me to the National Security State, with the passing of the National Security Act of 1947 the foundation had been laid for the US to become a National Security State dominated by a Military Industrial Complex. This is not to say those in Washington D.C. were unfamiliar with the profitability of war or the utility of the military in securing US economic interests abroad. The difference being the Military Industrial Complex would provide the justification for never before seen exponential growth in weapons procurement.
Let's take a look at what makes a National Security State from the link above I will reproduce the 7 characteristics of such a state and lets see how the US holds up.
"The first characteristic of a National Security State is that the military is the highest authority. In a National Security State the military not only guarantees the security of the state against all internal and external enemies, it has enough power to determine the overall direction of the society. In a National Security State the military exerts important influence over political, economic, as well as military affairs."
US military leaders don't command civilian politicians directly, however spending on the military is not only out of control there is no option of reducing military budgets when there exists a perpetual state of war, which puts military considerations at the top of the political agenda. This begs the question is the dog walking its master?
"A second defining feature of a National Security State is that political democracy and democratic elections are viewed with suspicion, contempt, or in terms of political expediency. National Security States often maintain an appearance of democracy. However, ultimate power rests with the military or within a broader National Security Establishment."
Well I know I have considerable suspicion and contempt of our so called democratic elections. Note GWB and his 2 stolen elections or the amount of money lobbyists dump on our so called democratic leaders. While a majority of Americans support Single Payer Max Bauccus is #1 on the cash received from insurance companies and guess what he is point man on health care reform and Single Payer is being rejected out of hand and even trying to prevent any public option and proposing relieving business from the responsibility of insuring workers. Sounds like the appearance of democracy rather than the real thing.
"A third characteristic of a National Security State is that the military and related sectors wield substantial political and economic power. They do so in the context of an ideology which stresses that 'freedom" and "development" are possible only when capital is concentrated in the hands of elites. "
This is the neo-liberal agenda we have seen Washington pushing for more than 25yrs.
"A fourth feature of a National Security State is its obsession with enemies. There are enemies of the state everywhere. Defending against external and/or internal enemies becomes a leading preoccupation of the state, a distorting factor in the economy, and a major source of national identity and purpose."
Obsession with enemies...Choose your threat level, take off your slippers at the air port, watch the military spy on civilian peace activists.
"A fifth ideological foundation of a National Security State is that the enemies of the state are cunning and ruthless. Therefore, any means used to destroy or control these enemies is justified."
Torture, murder, sexual humiliation of prisoners by US "contractors" and soldiers approved at the highest levels of government. And no one from those top levels being prosecuted for the crimes.
"A sixth characteristic of a National Security State is that it restricts public debate and limits popular participation through secrecy or intimidation. Authentic democracy depends on participation of the people. National Security States limit such participation in a number of ways: They sow fear and thereby narrow the range of public debate; they restrict and distort information; and they define policies in secret and implement those policies through covert channels and clandestine activities. The state justifies such actions through rhetorical pleas of "higher purpose" and vague appeals to "national security."
Ok sowing fear; Iraq WMD's, color coded threat levels, spying on citizens, extra judicial detentions.
"Finally, the church is expected to mobilize its financial, ideological, and theological resources in service to the National Security State. "
The neo-con ranks are filled with Christian evangelicals both civilian and military. And try to get national office in this country with out stating you're a Christian.
When it comes to meeting the criteria of a National Security State the US is batting 1,000. Fascism is no longer a creeping menace it is swarming. As Obama appoints foxes to guard chickens, approves of indefinite extra-judicial detention, escalates the war in Afghanistan, subverts meaningful health care reform and continues to support the militaristic agenda of our corporate masters Americans find themselves faced with the worst economy in years multiple wars and a deteriorated industrial base. The empire is shaking and and the fall from this height is going to be painful.
Please forgive the run on paragraphs the editing software shows my paragraphs then when I post they disapear.

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