Thursday, July 9, 2009

Change We Can Deceive In

The Obama administration came to office with a compelling mandate for change yet little seems to have changed in Washington D.C. The administration has reserved the right to detain prisoners without trial indefinitely, they have refused to hold former White House officials accountable for war crimes and crimes against humanity, they have refused to consider Single Payer and they have spent our tax dollars on bailing out criminal CEO’s and their failing companies.

As usual Americans are faced with a choice, we can maintain our silence or we can speak out. Now, some Americans have formed Teabag parties and treated the new administration as some unique manifestation of deceit. This is clearly partisan BS, the betrayals of the Obama administration are nothing new. GOP supporters finding themselves in the cold have become more radicalized in their approach to partisan politics. But it’s still just partisan wrangling.
The change we can believe in must come from within us all. We can not look to our leaders for guidance we must guide our leaders. That old adage rings true “when the people will lead the leaders will follow”. US citizens must become informed, educated and active, we must learn our history, stay abreast of current events and take action to hold our government to accountable to our will. We must demand of our government the services we all need. And we must be ever vigilant in seeing that they deliver those services to all of our citizens.
Only active and engaged citizens can control their government. Either we control our government or our government will control us.


  1. Good luck with that!! People are basically followers - they need a leader, any kind of leader and you know me, I like Obama!! He is not perfect but he is trying.

    Hey dsent, I just stopped by to say hi. I'm glad you got to read the support you got. I'm sorry for what happened to you... but then again I'm sure you read my take on it - me being me truth is what truth is. Anyway I will stop by to see what radical blogs you post and sometimes even leave a comment.


  2. Yes Obama is trying, trying to keep this country from real change. Ahhh now I know the "name calling" you were talking about I did say arrogant about Justin and I will stand by that. Claiming to know god is arrogant and thats what he was doing.
    Peace in deed, come play anytime

  3. Good day dsent...keep up the good work and let them hear your unfiltered voice.
